Global Traffic Rank

216 / 1 day

Rank in Russia

87.2% Traffic Share



Child Safety



Nov 2008
15 years old

Visitors / Day*

5.4M / month

Pageviews / Day*

19M / month

Website Worth*


Revenue / Day*

$80K / month
Information on this page was last updated on


The domain belongs to the country-code Top-level domain .ru. It holds a global ranking of 40,640 and is associated with the IPv4 addresses, and The domain has been registered 15 years ago with RU-CENTER-RU on Nov 2008. The site has its servers located in Russia.

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Explore the website's historical data on Global Traffic Rank and track its ranking trends over time. Traffic Share by Country

Discover the Global Traffic Share by Country - Unraveling the Distribution of Website Visitors!

  1. Russia 492
    155K (87.2%), 583K (91.7%)
  2. Kazakhstan 2,701
    3K (1.7%), 3.8K (0.6%)
  3. United Kingdom 27,914
    2.3K (1.3%), 4.5K (0.7%)
  4. Germany 30,342
    2.1K (1.2%), 7K (1.1%)
  5. Netherlands 10,457
    1.8K (1.0%), 4.5K (0.7%)
  6. Belarus 3,087
    1.6K (0.9%), 2.5K (0.4%)
  7. Ukraine 8,943
    1.6K (0.9%), 1.9K (0.3%)
  8. Other Countries
    10K (5.7%), 29K (4.5%)
    309K Subdomains

Discover Traffic Share by Subdomain, revealing the distribution of website traffic among various subdomains.

  1. 1.04%
  2. 1.01%
  4. 0.95%
  5. 0.67%
  6. 0.50%
  7. 0.90%
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  597. Other Subdomains
    6.18% Server Location

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Domain Registered

N#{Gs"d"ci*ov 2_:k.;~I3g 7@k.,j,,| -AYmB24m9Wk3n80x=x08\N4G*y_
15 years, 5 months and 21 days ago

Domain Updated


Domain Expiry

N0,8ov tL<u|x23, Dc\z2023
5 months and 21 days ago



WHOIS Server


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- DNS Resource Records

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A Records

@  IN  A
@ IN A
@ IN A

AAAA Records

No AAAA records could be found.

MX Records

@  IN  MX  10

NS Records

@  IN  NS

TXT Records

@  IN  TXT  "_globalsign-domain-verification=5eINABG0OETdb7rjBZGISmVEIoQnKBDMtQPqRHCR2O"
@ IN TXT "globalsign-domain-verification=5eINABG0OETdb7rjBZGISmVEIoQnKBDMtQPqRHCR2O"
@ IN TXT "v=spf1 mx -all"

SOA Record

2022061723 ; serial
900 ; refresh (15 minutes)
600 ; retry (10 minutes)
604800 ; expire (7 days)
300 ; minimum (5 minutes)

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